The S.S. (Schutzstaffel) was originally formed as a personal bodyguard to Hitler, and numbered around 300 when Heinrich Himmler joined. But when he rose to its leadership in 1929, things changed a bit. Four years later, membership had soared to 52,000. He established headquarters at a medieval castle called Wewelsburg where his secret inner order met once a year.
Heinrich Himmler was the Grand Master of a coven of 12 SS men. He was the 13th member. He conducted numerous black magick rituals at Wewelsburg Castle. These rituals were conducted in the utmost secrecy. They included necromancy (communication with the dead). Wewelsburg had many powerful Satanic symbols. In 1945, under orders from Himmler, Wewelsburg was blown up to keep it from the invading armies.
Heinz Macher was born on 31 December 1919 in Chemnitz. Oakleaves and Close Combat Clasp in Gold, final rank SS-Sturmbannführer and Chief of the 16th SS-Kompanie of the SS Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 3 D of the 2nd SS-Panzerdivision "Das Reich".
Macher led a group of 15 SS specialists who were ordered by Himmler to blow up the SS castle Wewelsburg near Paderborn in order to ensure that the devotional objects and important files should not fall into the hands of the Allies. The demolition command arrived on 31 March 1945. The same day, after Macher had informed the local fire-brigade, the south-east tower, the least important tower of the large castle, was blown up. Because of lack of explosives they could not blow up the rest of the complex. Macher ordered the firemen not to extinguish the fire so that most of the complex was nevertheless destroyed.
Macher was also charged with the task of burying the castle's treasures, including over 9,000 Death's Head rings held in a shrine to commerorate SS men killed in action. These treasures have never been found.
Macher joined Himmler during his last days. He was captured together with him and Werner Grothmann on 21 or 22 May 1945. Macher died on 21 December 2001 in Schenefeld near Hamburg.
Some of the castle survived and much has been restored. The symbol of the Black Sun is seen in many places and one room is designed much like Stonehenge. True Paganism which is synonymous with Satanism is known for its emphasis on the Sun (666).
According to Walther Schellenberg’s memoirs:
Each member had his own armchair with an engraved silver nameplate, and each had to devote himself to a ritual of spiritual exercises aimed mainly at mental concentration....
Himmler and his inner circle of Twelve Gruppenführers would engage in mystic communication with the dead Teutons and perform other spiritual exercises. Secrecy was the key element in the SS and most especially at Wewelsburg.
I happened to come into the room by accident and to see these twelve SS leaders sitting in a circle, all sunk in deep and silent contemplation, was indeed a remarkable sight. 1
Himmler worked diligently to destroy Christianity within the Reich. He fully understood the nefarious program of Christianity and how it was a most powerful tool created by the Jews for the enslavement humanity and the destruction of Aryan peoples. Jews have a long history of working to destroy their enemies from the inside. This is done mostly by their infiltration or the infiltration of gentiles in their employ. Book after book has been written about the Nazis being Christian. Nothing could be further from the truth. The many rune symbols, most notably the SS and swastika speak for themselves. Hitler played the Vatican.
Himmler on Christian marriage, 3rd May, 1943:
Marriage as it is today is the evil work of the Catholic Church. Regarded dispassionately and without prejudice, our present marriage laws are absolutely immoral. The marriage laws of today, presumably designed to protect the family, in fact led to a decrease in the size of families. After the war…monogamy will cease to be enforced upon promiscuous mankind. The SS and the heroes of this war will have special privileges. They will immediately have the right to take a second wife, who shall be considered to be as legitimate as the first. The permission to have two wives will be a mark of distinction.
SS Officer Otto Rahn SS-Obersturmführer wrote a book, titled "Luzifer's Hofgesind" [Lucifer's Court Servants]. He spoke before a large audience on January 9th, 1938 at the Dietrich-Eckart Haus in Dortmund, Germany. "Rahn set a new limit to the spirit tied to the Romans, to the belief in a life after death, and the fear of hell;" he rejected Yahweh and the Jewish teachings, and professed "Luzifer's Hofgesind" in whose name Kurt Eggers closed the evening with the following greeting: "Lucifer, who has been done wrong to, greets you." 2
Here is an excerpt from Luzifer's Hofgesind:
There is much more [light] than in the houses of God—cathedrals and churches—where Lucifer neither is able nor wishes to enter due to all the somber, stained glass windows wherein are painted the Jewish prophets, apostles, and saints. The Forest, that, that was free!
Lucifer’s Servants is at least partly a genuine Nazi propaganda tract and several passages make a good case for the worship of Lucifer. Indeed, this idea of Lucifer as a benign or divine being was familiar and congenial to the “white light” Theosophists of the 1920’s who, after all entitled one of their official German publications Lucifer.
"For Rahn, the Grail was an emblem set up in opposition to the established Church—indeed, was a Luciferian symbol—and for this the Nazis were grateful." "…the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness. Light in this case was represented by—not Jesus or Jehova— but by another spirit, the “Light-Bearer.” To Rahn, this Entity represented the highest good. To Rahn, the Nazi Reich in general—and the SS in particular—became servitors of an ancient pagan cult whose God was known to the medieval Christians not as Jesus but as Lucifer." "…and having established that they celebrated—as the numerous examples have proved—the marvels of the Crown of Lucifer, it is permitted to believe that they had faith in the existence of a Luciferian crown of eternal life. And if we follow this thought to its logical conclusion, we will say that, for them, the God of Love was none other than Lucifer in person. The God Amor is the God of Spring, as is Apollon. Apollon brought back the light of the Sun: he is a light-bearer, or “Lucifer.” According to the Apocalypse of John, Apollyo-Apollon was equated with the Devil, and according to the belief of the Roman Church…Lucifer is Satan." 3
SS men were strongly discouraged from participating inChristian religious ceremonies of any kind and were actively encouraged to formally break with the Church. Pagan religious ceremonies took the place of Christian ones. Winter Solstice ceremonies replaced Xmas. 4 Starting 1939 the word “Christmas” was forbidden to appear on any official SS document" and the Summer Solstice was formally celebrated. These ceremonies were celebrated the old way with sacred fires, and torch lit processions.
Weddings and baptisms were replaced by pagan SS rituals and gradually the entire Christian liturgical rubric was in the process of being replaced by a completely pagan version. Even the Hitler Youth were not immune. A so-called “Nazi Primer” published during the war contains many examples of pagan ideology and anti-Christian sentiment designed for its youthful readership. 5
An SS officer took the place of a Christian priest/minister in presiding over weddings, baptisms and funerals. A manual titled "The SS Family Procedure for Conducting Family Celebrations" was issued to every SS man and woman. Therein contained Pagan celebrations for all eight of the important Pagan holidays of the year.
Himmler’s dream was to create, out of the SS, a new religion based on the pagan elements of what he perceived to be the original, Ur-Aryan religion of Ancient India and Europe. However, many Germans were devout Christians. Hitler himself realized this, and knew that he had to play politics with them for as long as the churches held power and as long as the people felt they owed spiritual allegiance to the churches and what they represented. In this he was cynical in his dealings with the Church as he was pragmatic with the Capitalists. 6
Unbeknownst to many, daily meditation was the requirement of the SS.
Himmler set up a school of occultism in the Berlin Branch and many of the leading ranks of the Totenkopf SS, the Sicherheitsdienst and the Gestapo were ordered to attend courses in meditation, transcendentalism and magic. It was in this establishment that Himmler was persuaded to found the Ahnenerbe, the Nazi Occult Bureau. The Ahnenerbe incorporated the membership of Crowley's spurious Templar Order, the Vril, and the Thule Gesellschaft into the Black Order of the SS. 7
1 Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
2 Westfalia Landeszeitung, January 9, 1938, Dr. Wolff Heinrichsdorff
3 Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult by Peter Levenda
4 Ibid
5 Ibid
6 Ibid
7 The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft, 5th Printing, 1988
The Occult Corps (Geheimnisvolle Korps) - Hitler´s very own Majestic-12 In the late 19th and early 20th Century, there had been many flourishing esoteric orders in Germany and Austria that sought to establish a reborn Germanic identity and to reconnect the people with their repressed archetypes. One of the most significant of these Orders was founded in Germany in 1912 - the German Order, and from this sprang the Thule Society (Thulegesellschaft). The Thule Society took its name from the fabled land of Ultima Thule, which the Ukrainian witch Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky learned of after having been contacted by the Great Race that had survived its destruction. These ancient, highly intelligent beings worked in concert with certain human adepts - individuals with highly developed occult powers. The truly initiated could, by means of magic-mystical rituals, establish contact with these beings and learn secret arts unknown to the rest of humanity. The Nazies believed that with the help of this Great Race they could create a race of Aryan supermen with supernatural strength and energy.
In 1935, Reinhard Heydrich, head of the Security and Intelligence Service (Sicherheitdienst - SD) reported to Himmler that he had discovered the case of a witch called Margareth Himbler, burnt in Germany in 1629. The similarity of names encouraged Himmler's interest in German witchcraft, and in 1935 he set up Special Unit H (Sonderkommando H) in Archive Department 7 of the Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptarmt - RSHA), the umbrella organization of the SS, Gestapo and criminal police. The "H" stood for the German word Hexen (witches).
The roots of the Karotechia are deep and varied. When the unit was officially created within the Ahnenerbe in 1939, it drew its members from within the Ahnenerbe, the disbanded Thulegesellschaft, and a little known section of Archive Department VII of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA, Reich Security Central Office) called Sonderkommando-H. Created in 1935 under direct orders from Heinrich Himmler, Sonderkommando-H (for Hexen, German for witches) collected records of the Catholic Inquisition against witchcraft from libraries in The research of Sonderkommando-H was meant to provide propaganda that would justify an SS crackdown on the Catholic Church, as well as discover the ancient Germanic religion that Himmler believed had been eradicated by the Inquisition. The SS officers that collected the Hexenkartothek came to informally refer to themselves as the "Kartothekia," and what they discovered were arcane formulae and necromantic rituals. Enough was learned by Sonderkommando-H to create what some one hundred and fifty known witches, warlocks, and alchemists termed "the resuscitating of ye vital saylts." This formulae was first successfully put to effect by SS-Hauptscharführer Dieter Scheel when his team resurrected 17th century sorceror Jurgen Tess. It was this incident that created a new department within the Ahnenerbe to exploit the occult in service to the Reich: the Karotechia. Occult research had been conducted by various arms of the SS for quite some time before the creation of the Karotechia. In the Ahnenerbe, the Abteilung zur Überprüfung der Sogenannten Geheimwissenschaften (literally, Department for the Examination of So-Called Secret Sciences) had analyzed the occult since 1933. Also since 1933, Karl Maria Wiligut and his Department for Pre- and Early History had been Himmler's premier occultist, a position that was undermined soon after the creation of the Karotechia. Suitable members of these organizations were drawn to the Karotechia, as were former members of the Thulegesellschaft and scholars from Nazi-allied regimes and occupied countries. Kabbalists and Gypsy practitioners were even forcibly recruited out of concentration camps, as well as those occultists rounded up through Aktion Hess. Moreso than any other group researching the paranormal for their government during the Second World War, the Karotechia sought to exploit the occult to its fullest. With the full backing of the SS and the Nazi state, they raided the libraries and museums of The Karotechia never had a central headquarters, as each project maintained its own base of operations, reporting directly to Himmler. When the Karotechia was required to perform some ancient Germanic ritual for Himmler (virtually always ineffectual), they were called to the SS-order castle at Wewelsburg. However, the isolation and provincial boredom of the place meant that the Karotechia officers preferred to conduct their operations elsewhere. This also allowed them to operate with great independence. Never as successful as their reputation belied, the Karotechia did score a number impressive victories during the war. In particular was the discovery of a Gothic version of the Necronomicon in the spring of 1944, which opened up several new projects to exploit its potential. Most of these projects ended in failure, causing great destruction, such as the incident at Castle Naudabaum in early 1945, where seven Karotechia officers and seventy-three support personnel were killed and the castle destroyed during an abortive attempt to summon an extraterrestrial being called Azathoth. This disaster lead to the final Karotechia operation of the war: Aktion Götterdammerung, the attempt by the Karotechia to reenact the Naudabaum disaster without aborting the sequence to summon Azathoth. Aktion Götterdammerung was foiled by the American Delta Green organization. In the end, of the one hundred and sixty-four members of the Karotechia, fifty-four were assassinated by the Allies, six died of natural causes, three died during Allied bombing, four were executed for disloyalty, fifteen were killed while conducting experiments, nine committed suicide, eleven were institutionalized, twenty-four vanished while on operations, and thirty-seven escaped the destruction of Nazi Germany through the ODESSA network.